What is September in Numerology?...its my birth month. I was born on a 9 day in a 9 month.

Glynis the numbers lady.

September is the month of 9. The number 9 indicates the end of a cycle, and time to make way for the new. In this month of 9, it is time to do some clean up. Maybe you have clutter in your life, both physical and mental, and it is time to make space for new beginnings. If your garage is an eye sore, go in there, organize, put things in order, and, by the way, if you haven't used something in over a year, isn't it time to get rid of it? Yes, that's right, just throw it away. You will feel so much better when you do. That is especially true in a 9 month.

There are also things we should add to our lives in the cycle of 9. This is the time to get closer to your family. Are you talking to your parents? Are you sharing enough time with your children? How is your relationship with your husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend? If you are estranged from any of those who you are normally close to, it is time to sit down and write a letter about how you feel; this is an excellent time for the healing process. Tell them why it is you love them, and if the relationship is in trouble, what it is you hope to do to make the relationship better.

If, on the other hand, your relationships are going well, this is a great month to celebrate that happy fact. Why not take your family on a trip and just have fun? It could just be for the day, but get near the water together, and have a picnic, or do some swimming. Be sure to enjoy what nature has to offer.
For those of you who are caught up in this severe hurricane season , the prayers of the nation are with you. My prayer is, also, that you realize that the greatest gift is life itself. As long as you and your loved ones survive, you can replace everything else. May God bless all of you.

The month of 9 is a good time to quit that job you don't like and have been trying to leave; the same thing with a truly draining relationship-but be careful, if you are in a 5 Personal Year, you should wait until next year to make that decision, as you could come to regret it.

I always enjoy the month of 9, because it makes me feel hopeful as I look forward to October, which is a 1 month. The 1 is the month to take control of your life and the 1 promotes ambition and drive. So, Clear the way for it in this month of 9. You will be so glad that you did!


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